409 Fundraising Policy

At Northview it is our desire to handle fundraising with wisdom and integrity, and because it is our belief that fundraising appeals within the local church can be a significant barrier for those who are seeking Christ and exploring our church, we are especially sensitive to this area of church life.  We believe that in the largest sense, the church body does not view fundraising efforts as singular events, but rather considers them as a whole and that if too many fundraising oriented activities are going on throughout the year; it can negatively impact the overall impression of our church and our ability to reach the community for Christ. Therefore, it is our aim to create fundraising policies that strike a healthy balance of meeting Kingdom-critical needs in a way that is not overbearing to our church members and guests.

Northview Fundraising Policies

  • Soliciting Funds for Short-term Mission’s Trips: Financial appeal letters to raise money for a short term mission trip should only be sent to those Northview people with whom a person has a close personal relationship.  No Northview list of addresses, phone numbers, email addresses (or the alike) should be used to send appeal letters to people that one does not know personally.

  • Fundraiser Requests: Due to the significant volume of requests, Northview is not able to accommodate personal or outside organization requests for fundraising within the church. (Exception Below)

  • Partner Fundraiser Events: Limited to Strategic ministry partners and must be approved by the Missions team and campus pastor of the campus being requested. Promotion of the event will be limited to members of that missions community – no church-wide promotion will occur.

  • Purpose of Fundraisers: All funds raised should be used solely to benefit Northview or ministries Northview supports and for purposes consistent with Northview’s mission. Fundraisers should be designed to foster goodwill and strengthen relationships within the church.  At fundraising events, the organizer should publicly state the specific use to which the funds will be put.

  • Processing of Fundraiser Proceeds: Northview requires ministries to uphold the highest standards of integrity when handling money. As such, all funds raised are to be processed through the Northview finance office in accordance with church policy. Under no circumstances are funds to go directly to any ministry without first being processed through the Northview finance office.

  • Frequency of Fundraisers: In general, fundraisers will be limited to no more than one event in any 45 day period.

  • Worship Service Appeals: No fundraising appeal will be made during the weekend worship service without the approval of the Lead Pastor (Lead Staff.)

  • Business Partnership Fundraisers: For-Profit business interests are not to drive fundraising events. A ministry may initiate contact with a business to create a fundraising partnership. However, fundraising events initiated by businesses (such as those offering to rebate a percentage of sales) are not allowed.

  • Ministry Budgets and Fundraisers: Northview ministries are not to rely on fundraising events for regular operations. Ministry funding is to come from our annual operating budget or from fees charged to participate in individual programs**

**Please refer to Executive Pastor with further questions and or insight into this policy.