407 Meal Expense Guidelines


  • To be good stewards of God's money
  • To be fair and equitable
  • A staff member should neither gain nor lose personally because he or she has incurred reasonable business expenses
  • Staff members incurring similar expenses should be reimbursed or not reimbursed consistently throughout the organization
  • To ensure sufficient documentation is maintained to meet standards required by the Internal Revenue Service
  • To address the following areas: Meals

Things to ask and or consider:

  • Could Northview offer dessert instead of a meal?
  • Could Northview offer lunch/breakfast instead of dinner?
  • Could Northview offer coffee instead of breakfast? (Capstone)
  • Are the menu prices reasonable at the selected location?
  • For groups of 10 or more, can this meal be catered on campus?

Reasonable price ranges:

  • Breakfast/lunch up to $12 per person with drink
  • Dinner up to $15 per person with drink
  • Coffee/beverage up to $5 per person
  • Dessert up to $8 per person

Gratuity guidelines:

  • Restaurant service up to 20%
  • Delivery service up to 10% (without setup) and 15% (with setup)
  • Any exception to these guidelines by a supervisor with director reports must be pre-approved by central and or campus lead team members

For examples and more information click HERE