Northview reimburses based on a true "mileage" calculation (e.g., miles driven minus commute x $0.67/mile = reimbursement amount). The reimbursement form is available on the church Intranet and should be submitted monthly. Please provide account coding because mileage expense comes directly out of the ministry budgets. Northview reimburses $0.67 per mile per the IRS for church-related business travel. This does not include your regular commute between home and your assigned work location.
Northview will not reimburse mileage for staff who choose to attend church and ministry related events that are not mandatory i.e. Leads conference, Marriage Ministry events, etc.
Mileage reimbursements must be submitted to Finance within 60 days from the date of travel to be reimbursed, as required by the IRS. Requests made after 60 days will not be reimbursed.
As a rule of thumb, consider if meetings could be held via Teams versus in person.
Carpooling is encouraged when multiple team members are traveling from the same general vicinity or location. Only the driver can claim the mileage expense reimbursement.
Staff members are encouraged to rent a car when traveling a significant distance (for example, out of state). Staff members should make calculations to determine if renting a car is more economical than paying mileage.
Mileage reimbursements will be paid by direct deposit or check.
The mileage reimbursement is calculated as follows:
- Determine the total number of business-related miles traveled during the day, beginning and ending at your residence
- Then subtract your normal round-trip mileage between your residence and assigned work location
- Resident mileage calculations are different. Please refer to Resident document for calculation examples
Northview Staff must include the following information for mileage reimbursements:
- Date of travel
- Starting location, ending location and all destinations in-between
- Business purpose of travel – Please provide specific details