410 Social Media Policy

As an employee of Northview Church, you are seen by our attendees, our members and outside parties as a representative of our church. This means that your personal Internet use (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, blogs, etc.) is a reflection of our church, whether or not the church is specifically named or referenced. This policy applies to all staff members, paid or unpaid, salaried or hourly, temporary, interns and residents.

This policy exists to help provide best practices for a very powerful form of communication. We have formed these practices based on 1 Corinthians 10:22-23, where Paul writes, “Everything is permissible but not everything is constructive. Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.”

Your online presence should be consistent with the Bible and the values of Northview Church. Assume what you share/write/post will be read by your Northview supervisor, co-workers, volunteers, attendees, members, as well as your family, and the attorney of the person who doesn’t like you. Use good judgment in what you post online. Remember that when you post something, it stays online somewhere, even if you delete it.
Staff members and ministry leaders are expected to have the foresight to anticipate, within reason, how their words and/or actions may be perceived by their audience and to those under their care.

There are some ideas best discussed in a personal conversation rather than in a public forum. These could include political views or the church’s stance/policy on certain topics. Effective ministry can be hindered by polarizing conversations, and we want to maintain a position of being able to speak into people’s lives, wherever they may currently be. Make 100% sure your facts are correct and in the proper context.

Do not use electronic communication to resolve interpersonal conflicts that are best handled in person. You are legally responsible for anything you post online. Individuals can be held personally liable for any comments deemed to be defamatory, obscene or libelous.

People do not distinguish between a staff member’s personal and professional presences. Blogs, social networking pages or personal web pages should feature a disclaimer: “Please know that these are my personal views and not necessarily those of Northview Church.”

When working for a church, it is important to remember that employment decisions will be made based upon our Christian beliefs. If your personal social media displays inappropriate images or reflects personal opinions or lifestyle choices that are contrary to Northview Church’s religious beliefs, you may be subject to discipline, up to and including immediate termination of employment. For this reason, we encourage you to first seek guidance from your supervisor or Human Resources if you have any questions.

You must take proper care not to purposefully or inadvertently disclose any information that is confidential or proprietary to Northview Church. Consult Human Resources for guidance about what constitutes “confidential” or “proprietary” information. Be sure that what you are announcing personally has already been made public by Northview before positing it.

All time and effort spent on your personal social media should be done on your personal time and should not interfere with your job duties or work commitments.

Be sure to conform to the guidelines of the Employee Handbook, especially as it relates to harassment and illegal activities (including, in this case, spam and piracy). As with other forms of communication, do not engage in personal racial or sexual harassment, unfounded accusations, or remarks that would contribute to a hostile workplace. What you say on the internet could potentially be grounds for dismissal. For more information about Northview Church’s Policy Against Harassment, see Human Resources.

If you currently have a personal website or weblog, or are considering starting one, be sure to let your supervisor know and discuss it with him/her.

Northview Church is a well-known and established place of worship in Indiana and beyond. We have a reputation for providing excellent, professional services and ministry, and we enjoy positive relationships with those we serve in our community and world.

While providing ministry and service, the news media may become interested in Northview Church and/or those who attend our church. Our Communications Director is designated as Northview Church’s primary media contact.

If a news media reporter/producer/writer contacts you, please refer all calls to the Communications Director within a timely manner. Please respond: “Northview Church policy is to refer all media inquiries to our Communications Director.” Please do not state that you are not allowed to speak to the media.

It is possible that the media may show up unannounced at one of our events or facilities. This is most likely to occur in times of crisis. If this occurs, please immediately contact the Communications Director so that the newsroom can be contacted for more information. The media cannot enter our facility to photograph or film without permission. They also cannot interrupt business as usual.