When using Northview -owned vehicles and or equipment such as trucks, vans, shuttles, box trailers, flat trailers, golf carts, tractor, or any other electric or gas operated machinery, employees are expected to exercise care, and follow all operating instructions, safety standards, and guidelines.
All Northview-owned vehicles or equipment are available to any employee for ministry and business purposes on a first come first serve basis, except where noted below.
Please notify the Carmel Campus Receptionist if any equipment, machines, or vehicles appear to be damaged, defective, or in need of repair. Prompt reporting of damages, defects, and the need for repairs could prevent deterioration of equipment and potential injury to employees and others. The improper, negligent, or unsafe use of equipment or vehicles, as well as excessive traffic and parking violations, may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Vehicle Usage
Northview vehicles are reserved through the Carmel Campus Receptionist or the Service-U scheduling software. The following guidelines apply:
- All drivers must hold a valid driver’s license, be listed on the church’s auto insurance policy as a driver, and schedule the vehicle properly through the Carmel Receptionist or eSpace.
- In general, no one under the age of 25 may drive any vehicle owned and licensed by Northview. However, exceptions can be made, if not carrying multiple passengers, with the prior approval of supervisor.
- Vehicle registration and insurance papers are kept in each vehicle. The driver is responsible for knowing the location of the papers in case they are needed.
- Driver must refuel the vehicle after use, prior to returning the vehicle. Refueling can be done at the marked gas tank located near the maintenance building or at a gas station with Northview credit card.
- Drivers must clean out the vehicle before returning it. Individuals who do not clean out a vehicle may lose the privilege of reserving them in the future.
- If you experience a mechanical problem or notice a potential problem, report it to the Carmel Facilities Manager.
- Drivers are responsible for any traffic violation tickets they incur while driving Northview vehicles. Drivers may also be required to pay for repairs or maintenance charges which are the result of negligent or destructive operation of the vehicle.
- Priority of use will be determined on a case-by-case basis, but the general governing factor will be the number of people (i.e, church attenders and members) the vehicle is being used for and or the importance of the service, event or activity (i.e., weekend services).
- Vehicle use is for Northview ministry and business only. Northview owned vehicles may not be used for personal reasons.
- Partner ministries of Northview (i.e. Brookside Community Church, Discipleship Walk, etc.) may have use of church vehicles when not reserved for Northview ministry. However, the church will maintain first right for essential use if an immediate need arises. Contingency plans should be prepared by partner ministries in case a reserved vehicle needs to be reassigned to Northview ministry.
In the event of an accident involving a Northview vehicle:
Report all accidents to the Operations Pastor as soon as possible in order for the insurance agent to be contacted. It is important to obtain the following information:
- Name and address of each driver, passenger and witness.
- Name of Insurance Company and policy number for each vehicle involved.
Exceptions to use of vehicles and equipment:
Exceptions to this policy must be pre-approved by the Operations Pastor and the employee's supervisor.