PASTORAL AND WEEKEND-REQUIRED STAFF are required to be present at all Easter and Christmas services at their assigned campus, attending one and working the others. Exceptions can be made with supervisor’s approval. (Note: Weekend-required staff who have regular weekly responsibilities during services, will serve in their normal role on Easter and Christmas.)
OTHER STAFF are strongly encouraged, but not required, to work two Easter/Christmas services in addition to the service they attend. Flex-time hours should be used instead of paid overtime when working Easter and/or Christmas services, unless prior approval from his or her supervisor is given.
- Staff will be required to fill out a form indicating which back-to-back services he or she is available to serve.
- If a staff member is scheduled regularly to volunteer in a weekend ministry, and that weekend coincides with Easter or Christmas weekend, he or she may apply that to the two service times that he or she signs up for; however, he or she may not flex that time out during the week.