What is Baptism

We believe baptism is an outward testimony of an inward experience to publicly tell the world you are a follower of Jesus Christ. We celebrate baptisms as a church family during our Weekend Service. Whether you gave your life to Jesus today or maybe you did a long time ago, but haven’t been baptized, we want you to sign up so that we can celebrate you in the weeks to come. Complete the form below so that we can start preparing for your baptism.

We will offer multiple baptism opportunities in 2025 at all of our locations. If you are interested, let us know and one of our team members will contact you.

Click here to let us know you are interested in baptism.

Note: For parents of kids in 4th grade and under - there is a required parent class you can take online; follow the link below. 

Baptism by immersion: At Northview, we believe in baptism by immersion. The Greek word baptize, where we get our word baptize, means to plunge, dip or immerse in water. Following Jesus’ example, we baptize through water submersion.

Baptism instructions: Invite your family and friends to celebrate with you! Baptism is a public celebration of what Jesus has done in your life. We want everyone to celebrate with you!

The day of, please bring:

  • A towel
  • Wear dark clothing for baptism. Often, ladies will wear a swimsuit under their clothing.
  • Dry clothes to change into after baptism

Available at the church: We'll provide a Baptism shirt, extra towels, changing areas and a space to keep your personal items during service. 

Are your elementary-aged kids asking you questions about faith and baptism? If so, the Faith Commitment & Baptism Class is for you! This class is an important part of the Northview Family Framework and is designed to help parents learn how to talk with their kids about salvation and baptism.

NOTE: This class is a requirement for parents whose children wish to be baptized (4th grade or younger). If you have previously taken this class for another child, there is no need to retake it unless you would like a refresher. You may request Parent Guides through the registration without having to sign up for the class. After you complete the parent class, and you feel your child is ready, be sure to sign your child up to be baptized at www.northviewchurch.us/baptism. For any questions, please contact your Northview Kid's Director.

Click here to take the online class