Binford Farmer's Market - Offer Prayer and Answer Questions


Do you love having good conversations, even with strangers? Are you comfortable praying for people in the moment? Do you attend Binford?
If so, how would you like to represent Northview at the Binford Farmer's Market? With around 1500 people coming to our campus each weekend during the summer, the Farmer's Market team (and vendors) are often unable to answer questions they receive about Northview. So, who better than our campus to help answer those questions? We need volunteers to answer questions and offer prayer to those who are curious about our church, and if the opportunity presents, to invite them back to worship with us during our weekend services. Come enjoy some free Capstone Cafe (drink and food item of your choice!) and share about our church and our Savior.


7:45am | Arrival at the Binford Campus

7:50am | Setup Supplies, Open Patio umbrellas

8am-12pm | Hang out on the Patio during the Market, Offer Prayer, Check out the Booths!

12:00pm | Teardown, have a great afternoon!

If you have any questions about the run of the day, please reach out to Matthew Lingren. 

Date/Time: 9/14/2024 at 7:45 AM
Location: 6620 Northview Way, Indianapolis IN 46220-4993
Contact: Matthew Lingren
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:
Minimum Age: 18
Background Check Required: No

Work Entry

Please provide an email, phone number and a date of birth. This opportunity has a minimum age of 18
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