Narrow Gate Horse Ranch


Transforming hearts and minds by the power of the Holy Spirit using Equine Assisted Learning.

Narrow Gate Horse Ranch targets at-risk/under-resourced youth ages 4-19. We provide a counter-cultural experience in this rural setting for children to learn life and relational skills with the Holy Spirit and horses. The horses are a way to teach powerful life lessons that have eternal and spiritual connections. For participants, learning life lessons with equine assistance can have a trickledown effect on their self-esteem, attitude, grade improvement, work performance, and relational skills as they discover their God-given potential. We believe that with prayer, seized opportunities of mentoring, and intentional discipleship, God can grow these children into productive members of society, active church participants, and ultimately men and women of faith.

Volunteers are needed in a variety of different ways from mentoring to behind the scenes:

Greeter: Welcomes student & parent or guardian, prepares student for class (prayer requests, helmets boots, review prior week), and hands student off to facilitator/ES before meeting back in the admissions room to meet with parents (pray, listen, explain today's lesson, or just fellowship) until class time is nearly over. Greeter then signals facilitator to finish up lesson, returns to classroom to hand out journals, spray helmets, hand out snacks/water before returning students to parent/guardian.

Facilitators: Team Member who focuses on the child during lessons. (Training in Equine Assisted Learning at Narrow Gate is required)

Equine Specialist: Team Member who focuses on the horse(s)...must have significant horse experience. 

Prayer Team: Meets at the ranch house Mondays at 1:00 pm to pray for students, student prayer requests, horses, staff, volunteers, community, and other needs as prompted.

Chores: Mucking dry lots or stalls, cleaning tack, sweeping floors, watering footing in the arena, weed eating, etc. - Great serving opportunity for the whole family!

Please feel free to reach out to Keisha to learn more!

Location: 7535 W 00 Ns, Kokomo IN 46901-8816
Contact: Keisha Funk
Contact Email:

Work Entry