Additional Volunteer Opportunities


Volunteer Opportunities:

There are a number of volunteer opportunities for members of our church. Please note: Due to the complexity of the trauma that the survivors have experience, and to protect their privacy, we do not have volunteers work directly with the kids.

Purchase Items – Our Wish List is updated periodically with needed items for our therapeutic center or supplies staff may need. If you give this way, please include your contact information so we can say recognize your contributions.

Become a Social Media Advocate – Help raise awareness about human trafficking in Indiana. Join our team as a volunteer social media advocate and we will provide you all the tools you need!

Write Words of Encouragement – Working with traumatized teens is very stressful to the Ascent 121 staff, and it frequently results in secondary trauma to them. Writing notes of encouragement to the staff, affirming of their important work. Additionally, those in the Impact Residential Program (survivors) also appreciate message of encouragement and hope.

Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities – You can help us by volunteering to do various marketing/office work, social media, blogging, graphic design, special projects and mailings.

Location: 147 Washington Pointe Dr, Indianapolis IN 46229-2636
Contact: Matthew Lingren
Contact Email:

Work Entry