noun (thē-ˈä-lə-jē)

Who is He? How do we connect with Him? What does He want from us? Sometimes we forget that kids are asking the same questions as adults. From birth we are hard-wired to seek God and understand who He is and we seek to fill that God-sized hole in our hearts. Make sure to have your ELEMENTARY student join us every week in January as we join Herlock Sholmes and Dr. Wohn Jatson as they seek to solve the mystery of knowing God.

Week 1 - Prayer



noun (prer)

Talking with God about anything, anywhere. Does God even want to talk with me? Am I important enough for Him? Do I have to fold my hands and close my eyes? Are there any magic words that help get His attention? Talking to the creator of the universe can be intimidating and overwhelming but it wasn’t designed that way. God gave us prayer as an easy way for us to talk with Him about anything, anywhere. Check out this week’s video and click on the extra resource links to have further conversations about what your child is learning during this week of Kid Theology.

Week 2 - Salvation



noun (salˈvāSH(ə)n)

  1. Forgiven from sin and it’s consequences
  2. We can have a relationship with God

What is sin? What happens after we die? Can we be forgiven? Are there many ways to God? God loves each of us so much that he created a way for us to have a relationship with Him. He sent Jesus to come and take away our sins so that we could spend eternity with Him. Check out this week’s video and click on the extra resource links to have further conversations about what your child is learning during this week of KidTheology.

Week 3 - Baptism



noun (ˈbapˌtizəm)

  1. An outward sign of an inward change
  2. A ceremony that provides a symbol of our faith in Jesus

What’s with letting someone dunk you? Does baptism wash away my sins? Do I have to be baptized to get to Heaven? Jesus commands us in the Bible to be baptized but how do we know when it’s the right time for us to get baptized? Check out this week’s video and click on the extra resource links to have meaningful spiritual conversations about baptism at home.

Week 4 - Communion



noun (kəˈmyo͞onyən

  1. A Christian sacrament used to remind us of what Jesus did for us

What is the meaning of the bread and juice? Who is allowed to take communion? What actually is communion? Jesus taught His disciples to remember Him during the last supper and now we practice the sacrament of communion as a way for us to remember and proclaim Jesus’ death and resurrection. Check out this week’s video and click on the extra resource links to have meaningful spiritual conversations about baptism at home.