Northview Blog Hearing God's Voice: How to Draw Near to Him April 7, 2020 Do you remember how you felt when you were told we should shelter in place at home due to the coronavirus? For a moment, I thought about being shut in with God, listening for His voice and enjoying His presence. But for me, this cannot be since I work in the healthcare industry. Yet, times like this are my favorites, next to studying the Bible so I might know Him.Do you ever feel as if you want God to call you away from the busyness? Do you hear His voice directly in your life, only through His word or not at all?Here is something on which to meditate: Scripture tells us that before He created us, we were in His heart.“…just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will…” (Ephesians 1:4-5, NASB)This means He created us even though He knew He would have to die to have us.Can you imagine a father that never talked to his son? The relationship that would exist would be a distant one. Jesus did not die to be distant from us. He died to draw us near to Him.“Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:12-13, NASB) Consider:1. What would it look like for you to seek Him until you hear His voice? Do it.2. Ask the Lord to help you learn to search for Him with all your heart. by Debra Webster Self Spiritual Growth